Bookish Tag: Guilty Reader Book Tag

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Hello! Today is Tuesday, and it means another bookish tag!!! The tag that I’m doing today is called Guilty Reader Book Tag, and I saw this over at Two Books. This tag was said to be created by ReadLikeWildfire on Youtube, but the video is now unavailable. Oh well. *shrugs*

What I need to do for this tag is to answer ten bookish habit questions that might SPARKS some feelings of guilt *nervously laughing*. And, I’m using the following to show my guilt level for each question:

Guilty meter.jpg

So, let’s start!


Have you ever re-gifted a book you’ve been given?

No, I haven’t tried re-gifting a book that I received. If donated, then it is a yes.

Guilt level:

Low Level

Have you ever said you’ve read a book when you haven’t?

Of course not. It’s hard to pretend to have read a book which you haven’t really read. Why? Because if you discussed it with someone else, it would be difficult to tell them something to support your opinion on it like if they asked you which part makes you say it unless you have read the book, you wouldn’t be able to state one or two scenes.

Guilt level:

Low Level

Have you ever borrowed a book and not returned it?

HEHEHEHE! Yes, and I know I’m guilty of this. But, I only did it once during high school. I borrowed a short book from my friend, and since we are busy before, she forgot to ask me back for the book I borrowed, and I also forgot to return it. Now, I still have it, and I’m not sure how I can return it since we lost contacts already,

Guilt level:

High Level

Have you ever read a series out of order?

Only once, and it is The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. Well, I didn’t read all the books in this saga. Instead, I only read the first and last book. I let my mom fill me up on what happened on the second and third one. She’s a fan of it because she keeps on babbling about it.

Guilt level:

Medium Level

Have you ever spoiled a book for someone?

Yes, if they asked for it. But, if not, then no.

Guilt level:

Low Level

Have you ever dog eared a book?

For academic books, yes. But, if we are talking about the precious babies that I’m keeping carefully, then no.

Guilt level:

Low Level

Have you ever told someone you don’t own a book when you do?

Well, yes, especially if I know that they are borrowing it and that they are careless in handling a book.

Guilt level:

Medium Level

Have you ever told someone you haven’t read a book when you have?

No. Why would I lie about it?

Guilt level:

Low Level

Have you ever skipped a chapter or a section of a book?

Hmmm, maybe yes when I want to know ahead what the story will be like. But, I also go back again from where I left off.

Guilt level:

Medium Level

Have you ever bad-mouthed a book you actually liked?

No. No. And, no.

Guilt level:

Low Level


And that’s it! Did I ever feel any guilt while answering this? Yes and no. And I’m glad that most of the questions are not really making me feel guilty that much haha!

I’m tagging:

Emily at Emily the Book Nerd | Chelsie at Crazy4Books | Pam at Pam Who Cried Books

Adele at Adele is Reading | Emer at A Little Haze Book Blog

If you also like to do this, consider yourself tagged. You can also use the graphic I use for the guilty meter.

Thank you guys for reading! Have a good day!

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