Bookish Tag: The NetGalley Book Tag

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Hi!!! Today we have another bookish tag called The NetGalley Book Tag! Noémie of Tempest of Books tagged me to do this, and I gladly accept it. This tag was created by Kourtni Reads, and I want to thank her for making this.

Now, what do we have to do for this tag? This bookish tag is about my reviewing habits and the novels that I can’t wait to read that are available on NetGalley! Also, before we moved on the given questions, read the rules first that are written below.


  • Link back to the tag’s creator.
  • Thank and link back to the person who tagged you.
  • Answer the questions the best you can. If you don’t use NetGalley, you can substitute other sites or places where you get books!
  • Tag a few people to do this too.


Auto-Approved: Who’s one author whose books you automatically want to read, regardless of what they’re about?

Hmm… this is hard! Maybe, J.K. Rowling?

Request: What makes you want to request a book that you see on NetGalley?

The author, if it is a new author. If it is not, then either the cover or the genre of book.

Feedback Ratio: Do you review every book you read? If not, how do you decide what books to review?

No. I decide based on my availability to review them. If it is ARCs or review copies that were given to me, I’ll review them. But, if the book is not, and I just picked it to read, then it depends on my schedule if I have time to review them.

Badges: If you could create your own badge to display on your blog, what would it be for?

Lol! Badge for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland fans and for anyone who wants to have it even if they are not a fan of it.

Wish for it: What’s one book that you are absolutely dying to read?

the tenth girl-MECH.indd

Tenth Girl by Sara Faring! I’ll read it first next month!!!

2019 NetGalley Challenge: What was the last book that you received as an ARC that you reviewed? If you’ve never received an ARC, what’s the last book you reviewed?

The Year I Left by Christine Brae

The Year I Left by Christine Brae


And we’re done for this week’s bookish tag! Thanks for reading and have a good day!

I tag the following lovelies,

The Melody in Words | Cierra from Cierra’s Cynosure | Diana from Thoughts on Papyrus

Dini from dinipandareads | bookdragonism | Sophie from Blame Chocolate

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21 thoughts on “Bookish Tag: The NetGalley Book Tag

  1. I had this fantastic copy of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – mostly because if you flipped it, Through the Looking Glass was on the other side, and it had gorgeous illustrations, and then my sister took it with her to the states (without asking) and forgot it there 🤦‍♀️
    Ooh, I saw The Tenth Girl but didn’t choose it in the end. I think it’s on my tbr? I’m not sure.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh, thanks for the tag Alys! This looks like a fun and quick tag and I can’t wait to do it 🙂 The Tenth Girl looks creepy AF but I’m also so intrigued by that cover (what’s in the background?! Lol) 😂 I hope you enjoy it!

    Liked by 1 person

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