I’m Joining #TropeAthon!!!


Hello, lovely people!

I know I’m not good at joining this kind of challenges, but I’m willing to try it again! Michelle @ Chelle’s Book Ramblings invited me, and I already said that I’d like to be part of this! She, together with Misty @ Misty Books Space, is hosting #TropeAthon.

What is #TropeAthon? It is a week-long readathon that will start on July 22 to July 28, and it is focused on trope-related hence the name, #TropeAthon.

  • There will be 9 prompts that are trope-related, and you can pair up with the others in doing it if you want to.
  • Michelle and Misty will also have buddy reads going, and for the discussion on it and other updates about #TropeAthon, you can follow @tropeathon on Twitter.
  • #TropeAthon is also on Instagram. There will be prompts photo challenge. Using the prompts, you can take gorgeous photos of your books that fit the description or category under #TropeAthon.
  • Lastly, to know more about this readathon, you can go over here.

Tropeathon - Prompts

  1. Post Your TBR — Share on any social media, blog, or Booktube an image of your chosen TBR for the readathon under #Tropeathon.
  2. The Chosen One — Read a book/manga/graphic novel that features this trope, it can be a Fantasy, Sci/fi, YA, New Adult or Adult.
  3. Blue on the Cover — Chose a book that has any shade of blue anywhere on its cover and shares it with us on social media.
  4. Other Worlds — Read a book that features this trope. It can be from different planets, different species to even different walks of life.
  5. Cover Love — Share with us on Twitter or Instagram your favorite covers. It can be from your TBR or just your favorite covers in general.
  6. Enemies to Lovers — Easy trope to fill but there’s a loophole for those who don’t enjoy romance. Just pick a book where the character goes from enemies to allies.
  7. Forbidden Romance — Read a forbidden or dark-themed book, it can also be a book about a hard topic, not romance related.
  8. Recommended to you — Misty and Michelle will be posting a few recommendations in the weeks before the readathon. You can choose one of those or just any book that has been recommended to you by friends, Goodreads, Youtube, etc.
  9. Slow Burn — Read a slow burn romance or just a slow-building relationship of any kind.

These are the nine prompts for #TropeAthon. Everyone is invited to join us. Don’t forget to follow @tropeathon on Twitter for more information and updates. Also, use the hashtag #TropeAthon on both Twitter and Instagram, so everyone will know what are your updates too – if you are joining us!

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This would be the first readathon that I’ll be joining since my comeback in book blogging. And, I hope that I can do this and finish all the nine prompts. For now, I don’t know as to what I should list for each prompt. So, I’m asking all of you to comment below any titles that you think fits each prompt.

Thank you! Have a good day!

Alys Signature

10 thoughts on “I’m Joining #TropeAthon!!!

  1. Welcome Alys!! So glad that you could join us… as for Recommendations I’m always sharing on the blog or on the Tropeathon account but there’s the Slow Burn group read “Lingus” By Mariana Zapata if you haven’t read it and want to join us you’re very welcome…

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