3 Hobbies for Bookworms | A Guest Post by Brigid

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Hi all,

I’m Brigid from over at Creative Dreamer, and I’m doing a little guest post today for Aly. She asked me to talk about hobbies for bookworms that aren’t reading. This is perfect because I’m the queen of hobbies! I’m a cosplayer, a crafter, a dancer, a blogger, a writer, and more! (I like to keep busy!)

So without further ado here is 3 hobbies for bookworms:

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This one might be the most expensive of all the hobbies, but also the most gratifying. I started cosplaying 7 years ago and had been sewing much longer than that. It’s a perfect hobby for bookworms because it’s relaxing, you can hide away and hermit in a craft room, and you can be a fictional character! Also, cosplaying as book characters are so much better because there’s a little imagination involved if you don’t have a visual representation of a character like in a TV show or movie.

Steampunk Belle Cosplay made by me from Anime Boston 2017 in a Barnes and Noble

[Photo: Steampunk Belle Cosplay made by me from Anime Boston 2017 in a Barnes and Noble]

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Okay, I’m pushing the boundaries with this prompt a bit, but hear me out. Cross Stitching is such a trend now, and if you search on Etsy for nerdy needlepoint there’s a TON for bookworms! There’s Harry Potter Cross Stitch and Hunger Games Cross Stitch. I even knew someone in college who did a cross-stitch of her favorite line from The Call of Cthulhu for our fantasy genre class! When I was in high school, I would pop on an audiobook and cross stitch or crochet for hours. That was how I relaxed and was so very bookworm of me. Also, I found bookmark kits recently, and they might be my new favorite thing!

Cross Stitch Bookmark by Rovaris Designs.jpg

[Photo: Cross Stitch Bookmark by Rovaris Designs]

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So papercrafts can be anything from scrapbooking to keeping a bullet journal to making mood boards. I do a lot of paper crafts daily as I keep several planners, and I might be a little addicted to stickers. Paper crafts have gotten huge lately with the trends of doing bullet journals and also with machines like the Cricut (yes stickers, embossing, and vinyl count even though they aren’t traditional “paper”).

I think papercrafts are perfect for bookworms for several reasons. One is that I already know a lot of bookworms and people in the book community who keep a bullet journal at the very least for their TBR list. Two is that you can make your own perfect bookmarks! Three, fandom stickers made from vinyl! Need I say more?

My agenda book bullet journal.jpg

[photo: My agenda book/ bullet journal] (I tried to find a TBR list, but they were all messy lol)

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About Brigid.png

Brigid Downey is a young blogger and social media manager. She grew up in Boston surrounded by books and a desire to put her heart into everything to the best of her ability. In her undergraduate program at MCLA, she was a research conference speaker and held leadership roles as part of Her Campus, the Spires Literary Magazine, and the Sigma Tau Delta Honor Society. She was also inducted into the National Society of Leadership and Success. Finally, as part of her senior year, she was a finalist for the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge for her business plan to help women with PCOS and Endometriosis. She graduated from MCLA with a major in English Communications and a minor in Business Administration.

Currently, she runs her own lifestyle blog at brigidldowney.com, where she writes about books, her own writing, beauty, body-positive topics, current events, and many other things. She lives in Wisconsin with her supportive girlfriend and their cat, Rey. Brigid is an advocate for women’s rights, LGBT rights, mental health, and the body positivity movement. She has a fierce belief that there is nothing a little rose gold and pixie dust can’t fix. A self-proclaimed girl boss she hopes to one day be a college professor with a published novel and a thriving business.

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What are some of your hobbies? Let us know in the comments!

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24 thoughts on “3 Hobbies for Bookworms | A Guest Post by Brigid

  1. I love this post so much. I’m trying to get myself back into photography, which in between working has been difficult but I’ve enjoyed the practice I’ve had so far.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’d love to do cosplay (I even have plans! That don’t require sewing knowledge!) but there’s sadly no cons whatesever here. So no real opportunity to show the costume off. But I admire those who make really elaborate costumes so, so much.

    I’ve been getting into knitting, too.

    Another few book-related hobbies for bookworms that aren’t reading could be writing, drawing, worldbuilding, and bookbinding.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. True, as bookworms tend to obsess on pretty stationnaries, papercrafts seems to go hand in hands with it !
    Ooooh cosplay!!! I would love to do some for gaming characters – although I can’t sew to save my life, so it can end up quite costy 😅 unless you wanna go for something a little bit more minimalist.. nice list! Xx

    Liked by 2 people

      • yikes… yeah I would say ! the satisfaction of knowing you did that all yourself. though I was talking more like, buying someone’s craft could be costy – not like, shop made ones xD I did bought a Link costume, but the other character I’d want don’t have any on the market.. so either i’d do one myself, OR something someone made.

        Liked by 1 person

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